Add your team members to your organisation to make collaboration easy. You can have multiple team members or people in your organisation. 

Team already added? Next step - 3. Find your way around the app →

Follow these steps to get your team onboard

  • Select organisation settings from the side-menu in the top right.
  • Click on the add user link.
  • Type in their email address, type in their name and click next.

1. Navigate to organisation settings 

Select the menu button in the navigation to open the side bar.

Select the organisation settings in the side bar 

2. Navigate to the Group Members section. Select Add Members

3. Type the new member's email address

A modal will pop up for you to fill out contact information for the new member. When you fill out their email select next.

4. Type the new member's full name 

The full name should include their first or given and last or family name.

5. Success! Select if you would like to add another user

To finish add member process, select Close.

6. Check that you've added the right information in the member list

You can see the member in the member list, review that you've added the right information. 

All members are add without admin rights. To give a member admin rights or privileges selecting Make Admin. 

To remove a member from your organisation Remove.

Next Step

3. Find your way around the app →