Remove team members from your organisation to prevent them from accessing your organisation's account. Once removed they will not be able to log in to your organisation's account on Accreditron.

Note: You must be an admin in your organisation to remove or add a team member.

Need to update your teams roles? Update team member roles →

Follow these steps to get your remove a team member

  • Select Organisation settings from the side-menu in the top right.
  • Scroll down to the Members list section.
  • Click on the Remove link next to the users name.

1. Navigate to your organisation settings page

Select the menu button in the navigation to open the side bar

Select organisation settings in the side bar

2. Navigate to the group members section and click remove

Scroll down to the group members section then click the remove button next to the email of the team member you want to remove.

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Add new team members to your organisation →

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Email notifications →