Reports are a simple way to publish and share outcomes or findings. It's designed to be flexible, shareable, and straight-forward.

Need to publish a report? Publishing a report or outcome →


A report is made up of:

  • A name,
  • and one or more documents.

Make sure you pick a descriptive name, as it's the main way users will identify and find your report. Other than that, a report has 3 main ways to be linked to an organisation. 

Sharing Settings

Under each report you can see information about who published it, who it is about and who it is visible to.

  • Published By
    What organisation published this report? This is the organisation that controls who the report is shared with.
  • Addressed To 
    If a report is 'Addressed' to an organisation, it means that report is directly about that organisation. A report can be addressed to one or more organisations.
  • Visible To
    Reports can be shared with other organisations, by giving them visibility of it.

We've designed the system to be as flexible as possible. For example, you can publish a report addressed to yourself - you may have run some internal auditing process and you'd like to share the outcome with others. If you had the need, you could publish a report addressed to an organisation, but not give them visibility of it - you may not want to share the findings with them quite yet, but want to share it with other organisations. All these attributes can be edited at any time.

Navigating around the reports page

On the reports screen, there are 3 main views of the reports.

  • About you
    These reports have been addressed to your organisation. This means they contain information directly about your organisation.
  • Published by you
    These are reports your organisation has published, and control.
  • Shared with you
    This screen shows reports that you have visibility of - that you haven't published, and aren't addressed to you. This means they've been shared with you as a third party - you didn't publish the report, and the report isn't about you. Usually reports show up here if an auditing agency has decided to share reports with you, or a provider has decided to let you have access to their reports.

Need to publish a report? 

Publishing a report or outcome →

Viewing a report →

Editing a report →

Deleting a report →